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A Year of Online Classes

Andy Moran

On March 16th 2020 we completed our first online class. The plan was to flatten the curve and we, like all businesses and citizens of Ireland were willing to play our part. Our role was to keep our brilliant customers of the Leisure Complex at Lough Lannagh and The Movement Gyms active for the time we were going to be closed. Initially we thought this was going to be for two weeks. One year later YouTube, Instagram and Zoom classes have now become part of our daily routine. Who would have thought that this was possible? I for one would have thought someone was mad if they had suggested that our major connection with our customers would have been through a computer screen. But for seven of the past twelve months this has been the case. As a fitness community, both staff and customers have adjusted to this massive upheaval in our lives. We have connected, worked out, laughed, danced and even cried through an online medium over the past year. It has been tough, but as we have proven in the past, the people of Ireland are resilient and we always find a way to fight back.

As people, we adjust. Home schooling, working from home, PPE, social distance, no visitors to our homes and no sport have all been huge changes in our daily lives. I have huge pride in my work colleagues when I see how they have dealt with our third closure in less than a year. They have literally took it in their stride and on each occasion they have been ready for the challenge that another lock down poses on them. They have also been acutely aware of what their role within our community is. Our simple role was to create some normality, some routine in the crazy world we now find ourselves in.

Our customers switched their gym for their sitting room. They invited us virtually into their homes. Between educating their children, becoming their children’s personal trainers and trying to keep themselves physically and mentally well it has been an exhausting year for everyone. But as always we have found a way. We have set an hour in our day for an exercise class. A bit of self-maintenance that allows us tackle the rest of the day as the best version of ourselves. Zoom has allowed our community to feel in some way connected. Knowing that we are all suffering together and that this fitness class, no matter how difficult it will prove to be, will help and allows us an escapism from the harsh reality that we face at this present moment. Online workout’s, home schooling and working from home have all become viable substitutes for our ‘old normal’ daily routines and we have adapted with exceptional quality.

Will this revolution of home workouts strike a new way of doing things moving into the future? In some ways this may be true, but it is my belief that people naturally want to meet, talk, hug and be social and the gym provides a healthy way of doing things.

As a business we can’t wait to provide this outlet again in the future. But for now, let’s continue to prove our resilience, let’s keep finding a way and let’s dream of that day in the future where we look back and be proud of the way we dealt with such a difficult time.

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